How to Design (Better) Discussion Prompts
Consider what activities you can do on the web, that face-to-face classes can’t always do, and think about how people communicate and interact in online spaces…what do we want to uplift, and what do we want to avoid?
Sample Discussion Activities:
- Web Field Trips: Instructor provides a link or a series of links to resources, simulations, websites, blogs, applications or tools. Students follow the link(s) and report back through an instructor-defined set of questions.
- Brainstorming: Students set forth a series of ideas on a given topic without evaluation.
- Problem-Solving: Small groups work out a solution to a problem.
- Writing Groups: Students work together in groups of four or five to share drafts and provide peer-response and peer-editing.
- Case Analysis: Students work independently on a common case followed by group analysis in the board.
- Collaborative Writing: Workgroups work together to create a single document – proposals and analytical reports work well – which they then post to the larger group for critique.
- Cooperative Debate: Workgroups present perspectives on a particular issue, followed by a whole-group consensus-building discussion.
- Discussions of Course Readings: Instructor creates threaded discussions around assigned readings. Threads may include pre-reading (anticipation) activities, interpretations, evaluations, etc.
Research Bank: Students and instructor contribute links and citations to a common area for a class-wide research topic.
Writing Good Discussion Questions
As you prepare questions for a web-based discussion, think about the precise targets for that discussion. What is the most important thing your students know and understand as a result of a discussion around this particular topic? Shape your questions with that goal in mind. Avoid questions that prompt a yes or no answer or that require students to simply regurgitate facts that their classmates should already know after having done the reading themselves. That is, discussions are not a good place for quizzing students about the reading. Instead, ask students to think deeply, analyze content and make connections to each other’s posts, justify their responses with evidence and reasoning, and draw in current events when possible.
Adapted from Generating and Facilitating Engaging and Effective Online Discussions, The University of Oregon Teaching Effectiveness Program.