


Experiential learning offers several benefits for both faculty and students. For faculty, it provides an opportunity to engage with students in a more dynamic and interactive way, fostering a deeper connection and understanding of the subject matter. It allows faculty members to step away from traditional lecture-based teaching methods and instead facilitate hands-on experiences that encourage active learning and critical thinking. This can be empowering for faculty as they witness firsthand the impact of their teaching on students’ learning and growth.

Experiential learning also empowers students by making their learning experience more personal and relevant. When students are actively involved in their own learning process, they have a stronger sense of ownership and motivation. They can see the direct application of what they are learning, which enhances their engagement and enthusiasm for the subject matter.


What is it?

Start to discover a bit more about what Experiential Education is, in the context of teaching & learning at UMPI!

Experiential EDU Toolkit

Looking for protocols, resources, and strategies?  Plan with experiential learning in mind? Look no further!

Career Ready Experiences

Draw explicit connections between your learning activities, experiential learning, and workforce readiness!

Campus Initiatives

A look at how UMPI is developing and implementing experiential learning opportunities for students.

Meet the Taskforce

Meet the amazing team of people and resources supporting our experiential education efforts!