Aubrey Sinclair
Aubrey Sinclair is a junior at the University of Maine at Presque Isle majoring in Secondary Education: English. They are passionate about film, arts and culture, and exploring the happenings of their Aroostook community!
7 Postsbelendougherty
Belen Dougherty is a junior at the University of Maine at Presque Isle, majoring in English. She is passionate about community building and writing. "I am excited to help lift the voices of our campus and bring important news to our community."
13 PostsChristie Oneill
Christie Oneill is a third-year student majoring in English with a minor in Psychology. She is a creative and passionate addition to the team!
6 PostsDamien Pearson
Damien Pearson is a third year student majoring in English at UMPI. He is passionate about writing in any form and expressing thoughts and ideas through written text.
5 PostsJen Lynds
I have a B.A. in Communications from UMPI and an M.A. in English/Creative Writing from Southern New Hampshire University. I spent 23 years in journalism before becoming a professor. I was once the editor of The University Times, and teaching students quality journalism is an honor.
44 PostsMarah Russell
Marah is a freshman at the University of Maine at Presque Isle. She is majoring in English with a concentration in professional communication and journalism. Marah is passionate about giving students a platform to freely and openly discuss ideas and inadequacies on campus.
4 Posts