History in Stones:
Mapping Cemeteries to teach the history of Central Aroostook County

Experience the Past

This project was funded in part with support from
the Maine Humanities Council,
Stephen & Tabitha King Foundation,
and the Donald and Linda Zillman Professorship.

The purpose of this website is to make Aroostook History more meaningful to its residents through StoryMaps, Searchable Cemetery Maps and primary sources. There are also lesson plans for middle school social studies teachers to use in their Maine History and US History. The goal of the StoryMaps is make larger world, national and state events more relevant as the events are explained through the stories of individuals and people from the area. Historians, genealogists and others interested in local history and Maine history will also find the website useful through the StoryMaps, Cemetery Maps, primary sources and list of other helpful websites. If you would like to contribute to the information on this website, contact Dr. Kimberly Sebold. Thanks to everyone who has helped to make all of this work possible.
The StoryMaps tell the history of Central Aroostook County. Many of them are inspired by the people whose gravestones seemed interesting. We wanted to tell the history of the area through the people who lived here. We hope their story will make the world, national, and state events through which they lived more interesting. The StoryMaps were made using ArcGIS Online.
Cemetery Maps
The searchable cemetery maps provide the latitude and longitude of each gravestone as well as the person’s name, birth and death dates, epitaphs, and any other information on the gravestone. They also include photographs. The Cemetery Maps were made using ArcGIS Online.
Lesson Plans
The lesson plans go with the StoryMaps. They are designed for 7th and 8th grade social studies and are aligned with the Maine State Learning Results. If you use the StoryMaps and their lesson plans, please provide us with feedback by emailing Dr. Kimberly Sebold.
town history
History in Stones:
Mapping cemeteries to teach the history of Central Aroostook County

(207) 762-2010
181 Main Street, Presque Isle, ME 04769