Any student willing to volunteer for one (1) hour on one Sunday calling out Bingo numbers at Presque Isle Rehab and Nursing with the AmeriCorps Volunteer, please contact the Volunteer. This is a fun, easy and short service opportunity.

Any students wishing to display a piece of their artwork in the AmeriCorner, please contact the AmeriCorps Volunteer.

If you know of UMPI students who, because of their achievements and volunteerism, should be featured in the Student Spotlight, please nominate them by contacting the AmeriCorps Volunteer.

Please mark your calendars for the second annual UMPI Alternative Spring Break, coming in March of 2018. This is a completely free event: all transportation, lodging, meals, grape soda and entertainment will be provided free of charge. The tentative dates are March 11-14, 2018. For more information, please contact the AmeriCorps Volunteer.

The AmeriCorps Volunteer can be contacted at: AmeriCorner (Office on first floor of UMPI Library)–207-768-9602–