From a young age, children often hear that before going to college they should pick a career that they would want to pursue. But people tend to change their interests as they grow. So then why would people stick to a single career or major, when it was something they picked a year ago? Why would students stick with a major that they are no longer passionate about? Becca Howlett is a second year college student who changed her major her sophomore year.

As a young college freshman, people tend to have trouble making up there minds. As college students we should be able to know that we can change things that aren’t the right fit for us.
Becca was able to answer the hard questions that every student thinks about. Why did you really switch your major? Becca said, “I found myself seeing my first major’s topics as a chore. So instead I switched to a topic I still had a passion for and I knew I was good at.” This response is something that many students also feel. Not only does Becca state the problem, but she also shows a well-rounded reasoning for switching majors.
Another reason that students switch majors is finding a career that they are actually passionate about. Becca was able to find a whole-hearted reason behind her major. Becca said, “My main goal is to be a teacher, whether it be at a high school or college level.” Becca also explained that she chose this new major and career because of her own freshman math teacher. Her math teacher inspired her to give people time to understand the problem and learn at their own pace. That is the type of teacher Becca aspires to be.