“All the President’s Men” is a film that maintains its importance today. It is a political thriller from 1976. The film follows Carl Bernstein and Bob Woodward. They are two budding journalists for The Washington Post. Bernstein and Woodward are assigned to cover the Watergate Scandal. 

     In the film, it is discovered that the Nixon administration ordered the burglary of the Democratic National Committee headquarters. Several cases of abuse under Nixon’s administration came to light. Government officials tried to cover it up. Bernstein and Woodward knew there was more to the story. They struggled to obtain the truth. The film follows these two through their journey as young journalists covering a presidential scandal. 

     One reason that this film is important is that it shows the importance of the First Amendment. The First Amendment protects our freedom of speech. It also protects the freedom of the press. Without these protections, how could citizens and journalists uncover scandals? Bernstein and Woodward struggled to find the truth. They were lied to. They were turned away by people with important information. Still, they fought for the truth using our First Amendment rights.