You may think that people who have jobs manage their time better than those in school. Everyone manages time differently. So let us hear from two people connected by UMPI, one a student and the other with a job.  The UMPI student first interviewed, however, also has a life outside of school.

     The student’s name is Joshua Williams.  He is also a tutor at UMPI. What Josh does to manage his time is a method that works for him at least. No matter the method, it might not work for others, so try to take this with a grain of salt.  “The ideal way to do that is to allow yourself a regular block of time that you can rest, relax and have fun in,” Josh said.  This works for Josh because it allows him to recharge his batteries for school.

     The second person interviewed was Victoria Winslow.  She works at the UMPI tech center as an IT Specialist CL2.  Victoria said, “Usually what I do is try to stay caught up on our ticketing system. That way when I have time in between calls, I can chat with coworkers about other issues or chat with students about information. Sometimes I get up and walk around to stretch a little and to relax.”

     This means that when Victoria gets done work, she has free time. That is also true about students, because they have free time after their classes and homework are done.

     When you come right down to it, there is no real way to say which is more open for free time, college or work. It all depends on how you manage your time that allows free time to exist.