Online school has been around for a long time. It was not until COVID-19 hit that it took off. Schools all across the world had to shut down and quickly think of a solution to continue education. Schools went online temporarily until restrictions were lifted. It is no question that many students were itching to go back to in-person school. But what about the students who do not want to go back?

Many Class of 2020 Graduates Alter Post-Graduation Plans.

     Social anxiety is the fear of interacting with a large group. The feelings that come with this anxiety are fear and discomfort. Social anxiety rates have grown by at least 2 percent since COVID-19. Social anxiety can affect many areas of life. It affects schoolwork and friendships.         

     Many people experience social anxiety. Students may have it harder than some others. Schools have a strict schedule when students must be active. It is hard to leave a class at school because of anxiety. Once anxiety starts, it is difficult to focus in class. The only thing that the students are aware of is their overwhelming fear and anxiety taking them over.

     Online schooling has given the chance for students with social anxiety to stay at home. Ilia Ivanik prefers being on Zoom instead of a physical classroom. Ivanik is a first-year college student who has mental health issues. “I think that there is a psychological thing at play. Whenever I am at home, I feel more at peace. While at school, I feel exposed. I do not feel comfortable seeing teachers and students. I see online school as a way to avoid my social anxiety.”