Melvin is a male, neutered, gray-and-white cat in search of a home. He is currently at the Central Aroostook Humane Society in cat room two. This 4-year-old boy weighs 14 pounds, is very handsome and has a lot of personality. He is “extremely friendly, very personal, talks a lot. The only downfall is no dogs,” Betsy Hallett, manager at CAHS, said. Melvin doesn’t seem to get along with dogs very well, but he seems all right with other cats.”

He was a stray so he may want to go outside,” employee Crystal Patterson said. Being a stray, Melvin was neutered once he was brought to CAHS. Since he’s been there he’s been a loving and social cat and seems eager to leave his stray days behind him.
If you have a home without dogs and can have an indoor/outdoor cat, Melvin could be perfect for you. He’s a sweet boy who loves attention and good company; he just loves to be around people. Then there’s also his charming good looks and friendly personality. If you think Melvin could be right for your home, please come by and visit him: he’d love to talk to you.