Hello Readers,

The hum of the holidays is here and the excitement of the first few snowfalls here in the county has spread throughout most of us. This special time of year is important to me because it reminds me of how good people can be. Generosity and kindness bloom in the cold weather and we all become a little closer: whether it be your neighbor helping you get your car out of the snowy driveway after a bad storm or a complete stranger wishing you a happy holiday in passing. The best of everyone comes out during the holidays.  It reminds me of the Grinch in that everyone’s hearts seem to grow at least three sizes.

With a cheerful spirit and Thanksgiving on my mind, I leave you with this issue. It comes with a wish to enjoy and remind you of all the great things our campus and community do. This year I’m thankful for UMPI, and especially the people who make UMPI and the University Times possible.

Have a great day,

Brandy Smith
University Times Editor