A day for UMPI to shine, University Day allows students to share what they’ve been working so hard on with an audience. In addition, it allows community members to immerse themselves in what the University of Maine at Presque Isle does every day. Many unique and interesting presentation happen throughout the day that students put lots of effort and time into.  Fellow students and community members are invited to watch.

Dr. Jacqui Lowman is a professor at UMPI and has been having the students in her classes present every year on University Day for about 10 years. “I have my students do it from the time they’re freshmen. I see year by year they grow in confidence and they grow in skill,” she said.  She commented that by the time her students are seniors, they really know how to own the room.

University Day serves as a great opportunity for students to gain experience in public speaking and presenting. It is also a chance to showcase projects or passions they have been working on and receive feedback and recognition from an audience. UMPI junior Tiffany Smith presented at last year’s University Day and has multiple presentations ahead of her for this year’s. “It’s good exposure for the students to present,” Smith said.  She stresses the importance of taking part in the day because of the great opportunity to learn. “When you graduate you’ll have to be able to present,” Smith said.  She added, “It’s pretty important in life to communicate.” Presenting can be a little daunting, especially if it is your first time. “My advice would be just to not get too anxious.  Be prepared and know what your content is,” Smith encourages.

For everyone not presenting at this year’s University Day, fear not.  You can still be a part of things! Attending presentations is equally as important as presenting. Without an audience, who would these hardworking students be presenting to? “It’s going to be the place to be,” Lowman said. For community members and students, this day will have something for everyone. “They will get a unique insight into UMPI that they wouldn’t get any other way,” Lowman said. Attendees to any presentation will be learning a lot and helping support UMPI’s presenting students. On top of the great experience for students and the inside look at UMPI’s classes and community, it’s all free to the public.