The Movie, “All the President’s men” focused on the Watergate scandal during President Nixon’s time in office. The movie focuses on two reporters who, originally, weren’t close and wanted to be able to get up in the ranks at the Washington Post (their newspaper company). As the movie progresses the two are placed on the original scandal thinking it was going to be a little story that was going to amount to nothing.

    Doors were slammed in their faces and they were even threatened with their lives. Woodward and Bernstein stayed on the story as much as they could, they did what they had to and they stayed focused.

    The Washington Post, as a unit, was not behind this in the first place. They wanted the two to drop the Watergate scandal and focus on more pressing matters. But neither budged. Near the end of the move, the Post sided with Woodward and Bernstein.

    There was, obviously, secrets, there was no question there. There was fear and worry and the Post wouldn’t stand for that. Woodward and Bernstein went out of their way to make the people feel safe, to be able to make sure that the First Amendment was not broken, and that the democracy of the US stayed intact. It was very well done that these individuals (And the Post in general) to keep heckling and perusing this idea that something was up.

    The Post was very strong, it wouldn’t allow Woodward and Bernstein to publish anything false or without a solid source, they made the paper believable and easy to understand. I believe that we can learn this exact thing in our everyday lives, not just positing on the paper. To only tell when something has verified information for the source, to dig and dig until we know all the facts and then publish, or even partially discuss it. To go to several sources and not focus on one thing at a time.

    “All the President’s men”, a movie about the Nixon Watergate scandal. The movie is very well executed and very well paced, it does not hold back on the language and tends to explore a rawer side of the newspaper and how they do things. This movie tends to show the amazing dedication news reporters have and the dedication they hold to each and every story. “All the President’s men” is a very well done and excellently executed movie for the time in which it was made. It is historically accurate. There is truly nothing like it.