
Do you remember that we lost a lot players due to injuries last game? Do you remember what Cody Blair definitively said after the last game? “We just need to get all guys healthy and have our starters back. We will see what happens once they come back.” Yes, they recovered and came back. That means that their confidence will return, their power will recover and they will prove themselves.

The University of Maine at Presque Isle’s men’s soccer team met UNITY during Homecoming weekend Saturday, Oct. 1. This time they came out on top: 2 to 0.

No. 5, Derek Healy, who never gave up the chase and to defend, scored two goals for the whole game. He is like Popeye: always has forces to fight. His first shot at seven minutes and 37 seconds. Cody Blair assisted with another shot at 42 minutes and 29 seconds. “I played well: I’m happy with my performance. Next game, we should keep passing the ball very well and defend very well like today,” Healy said.

The coaching staff members were pleased with the team’s effort. “The guys wanted to win, to get a great show for homecoming. I am very excited and very satisfied,” Coach Alan Gordon said.

The UMPI men’s soccer players came back. They not only gave a special present to homecoming, but also proved their ability.