Ever heard of the Mentalist Duo? Do you know what a mentalist does? If you answered NO, then you probably should have gone to check the Evasons Mentalist Duo April 19 here on campus.

     A feeling of mystery and the supernatural was above UMPI when the Evasons Mentalist Duo made its appearance for the first time here at our university. The Evasons are a more than 30-year-long married couple that has done shows for a living for many years now all around the States and Canada. UMPI was the northern-most U.S. destination they ever performed, and as they said during the show, “UMPI is amazing.” The Duo made an early impression on that day at the Kelly Commons, were they showcased their talent to the students who were having lunch there.

     Then at 7 p.m., their show time, the theater was full of enthusiasm and many faces from both our UMPI community, but also many faces from the Presque Isle community. When the show started, everyone was silent and waiting to see the so famous mentalists. The Evasons started with a trick that amazed most of the audience. They picked a random person from the audience and they asked her to remember in her mind the lock password of her cell phone. The person did not say the password out loud, nor did she point out any sign. The Evasons, were able to unlock her phone, as they said they are able to read minds and see the information that we are thinking. This is called a psychic entertainment and is with no doubt very engaging and astonishing, since they can discover your credit card number, your cell-phone, the person you are thinking of and even the serial code of a random bill that a person holds.

     “The show was mind blowing, and I actually was so amazed and at times scared that I just wanted to leave the room,” UMPI freshmen John LaCarrubba said. They never failed to find out the correct information, and their act skills besides their excellent psychic talent was amazing and a once-in-a-lifetime show. “I thought the show was quite fascinating. I went in slightly skeptical, but left with a sense of amazement. It really was a …had-to-be-there experience,” UMPI sophomore Sarah Harris said.

     For those who are not convinced of their talent, the Evasons will give a $100,00 reward to anyone who proves that what they do is not real.

      The student activities office and Violet Washburn made this event happen.  Given how popular the show was, perhaps we may see the Evasons again.