Memes have influenced our lives, whether we intended them to or not. This is why the University of Maine at Presque Isle is launching a brand new online program in the Fine Art of Memes. The program will collaborate with the Meme Academy and will take approximately two years to complete. Allowing students to earn an Associate’s Degree in the Fine Art of Memes. 

     “Memes are an important part of today’s pop culture and people’s’ lives. We want to offer the best variety of education we can,” said Vanessa Pearson, Dean of Students. The program will take the average person two years to complete. The program will offer specific classes that have never been offered at UMPI before. This will include the History and Evolution of Memes, Meme Design, Marketing for Memes and many more major specific classes. All incoming Freshmen for the 2018/2019 academic year will be able to study in the Fine Art of Memes. “I think it’s a really cool idea,” Christian Mumley, UMPI sophomore said. “It’s something our generation can really relate to.”

     Some people have been critical of the new major, wondering what kind of career can be found with such a degree. “Graduates from other universities and institutions have gone straight into the workforce with jobs in public relations, human resources, blogging and marketing,” Pearson said. “However, memes have actually opened up a new career field. Those graduating from the program can become meme analyst or meme encoders. It’s a bigger industry than most realize.”

“I really like memes and I think the program would make a great addition to our school,” Mumley said. The meme program will launch exclusively online and if it’s successful, UMPI may consider bringing some of the classes on campus. Currently, there is already a waiting list for the program. If you think that studying memes is right for you, be sure to check it out at