In the film, Woodward and Bernstein are overlooked. When they try to take a lead to talk to someone, they hang up on them. But Woodward thought the way people were handling the questions was suspicious. The two journalists bounce their ideas off of each other. They are great partners. If one comes up with an idea, the other always has something to add to it. 

     In the film, when Woodward and Bernstein work very hard to put together a story, many critics have bad things to say about them. As they are picking through and discovering the truth, the people associated with the case are calling the stories false. After they put out one of the stories, this is what someone said about them,  “The type of journalism, the shabby journalism, that is being practiced by the Washington Post.” Most of the time when people want to cover something up, if someone comes out with the truth, they will deny it. They try to shut down the conversation. This is why it was so important that Woodward, Bernstein and  Bradlee kept pushing this story forward. 

     If the journalists did not pursue the story, then the public would not have found out the truth behind the Watergate scandal. Future politicians would have thought they could get away with what the people involved with the scandal were trying to do. What the journalists did in this case and story protects the future journalists pushing to find out the truth in other scandals. Lessons that viewers can take from Woodward, Bernstein and Bradlee are to never give up if you feel that you can do more. Woodward knew that something suspicious was going on and he didn’t give up, even after he was criticized many times. 

Viewers should also have learned that just because people have power does not mean that they can get away with everything. Power can not protect you and hide you from the public. The press and journalists should be seen as heroes in these kinds of situations because without them, people in power would not be checked and kept in place. 

     In the future, we should look back at this story and film and have to repeat the actions that took  place. Journalists and press should also dig deeper for the story if they think that something sketchy is going on. The people in a higher position should still be held accountable for their actions. Future journalists should learn from this film and not give up on a story. 

     Viewers should watch this film if they want to watch people who were overlooked. This film shows that even if you are in a very high position in politics, you should still be held accountable. Three words to describe this film are courageous, stubborn and unstoppable.