Have you ever discovered something that you knew wasn’t right, but everyone around you was concealing it? In the film “All the President’s Men,” Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein  are two journalists covering the Watergate Burglary and scandal. They worked at the Washington Post. Bob Woodward is able to go into the courtroom and watch the proceedings

     At the beginning of the film, Bob Woodward is shown in the courtroom. He asks questions and sees a man who should not have been in the room. Woodward said, “Martin, are you here in connection to the Watergate Burglary?”  And the man said, “I’m not here.” Woodward goes on to ask questions, but doesn’t get any useful answers. Why would a man who isn’t related to the case be in the courtroom?

     Throughout the film, Woodward gets many leads that connect him to different people. He makes many calls and many people act suspiciously when he asks questions. Throughout the film, Bernstein and Woodward are following leads, and Ben Bradlee, their editor, is taking chances on them. Their bosses keep asking why they are following the story when they aren’t getting enough evidence.