Work study is something that students across the United States do every day.  It is a college program in which students work part time while attending school. Work study is for students who have financial need, part-time students and even graduate students. Work study is a job where students can work on campus and do not have to worry about having a car to get to their jobs.

     At the University of Maine at Presque Isle, the work-study program is a wonderful opportunity for students to find out what having a job really means. Some positons that the university offers for students are athletic aide, ITV aide, library aide and even a computer programmer. All of these jobs can have something to do with students’ majors and help them focus on what they want to do in their careers. UMPI makes sure that students’ jobs are the right fit for them. UMPI will work with students if they do not like the jobs they are in. Also, work study has its perks, meaning that students can get paid for doing it. Not only will it help with college tuition, but it also helps with the students’ personal needs.

    Melanee Terry, an UMPI first-year student, said that she loves doing work study and will do it until she graduates. “Yes, I love working in the Media Relations office. Everyone in the office is super nice and we have a great time together!” With these kind of jobs, students can make great connections with people. Terry even explains that this does help with her career moving forward, “Absolutely.  As a journalism major, I find it very helpful to work in an office that helps me prepare for my career. I write press releases for the university and get to work with the successful Rachel Rice, who mentors me on my writing.”

    Sapphire Fleming, a work-study student who works in the ITV department, said, “Work study is definitely helping me gain the people skills and problem-solving skills that I will need in my future career. I have also learned quite a few extra computer skills that will really benefit me as well.”

    Even though it may seem like a work study job is not ideal, it does give students experience of what they want to do in their future. It helps them see what they want to do for the rest of their careers, but most important gives social and problem-solving skills. Students may have assumptions that work study is a waste of time.  But it helps college students out in the long run, even if they do not realize it.