It seems something is missing in Aroostook County this year. Bees. The few that did show up are late. Gardeners across the state are reporting lower levels of bees than normal. And up here in the County though, they have been hit very hard. Many gardeners are reporting such a lack of bees that their gardens are failing. The real question is…where are the bees?

Bumblebee on Thistle Flower. August 2021.

According to the American Farm Bureau Federation, “Colony collapse disorder (CCD) was first noted in 2006. And there are multiple threats to bees: including parasites, pathogens, pesticide exposure, habitat loss, and others.” It seems that we are certainly seeing that play out on a local scale.

Kathleen Truax, a master apiarist and avid gardener for 30 years, said, “I’m highly disappointed this year. There are no bees. There are absolutely no bees.” Ms. Truax has worked with the Lauerentian Woods Project since 2009. They promote pollinators, such as honeybees, by planting native plants and species in Maine. Ms. Truax said, “I’ve had to pollinate my garden myself. I blame Monsanto directly. The sprays that they put out for farmers are killing the bees. The worst part is, most of the farmers don’t even know it’s wrong. They just need to make a living. But when the bees are gone…what then?”