There are a lot of different things that go into an article or a story to make it great. There can be just one person working on the piece or many different writers. Mainly, it all depends on how big the story itself is: some stories need to have more than one writer assigned to it. There was a story that required more than one writer in the 1970s: the story about the Watergate scandal. There were two reporters assigned to this case, Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein. In the movie “All The President’s Men,” the story is brought to light.  The film goes behind the scenes to give you a real idea of what was going on in the offices, on the streets and in the homes of these two men.

    The movie follows the investigation very closely. Throughout the movie and the investigation into the Watergate scandal, new information continues to come up and the story continues to get bigger and bigger. In the beginning, Woodward was writing a story on the burglary that took place at the DNC headquarters at the Watergate complex on Saturday, June 17, 1972. Five men were arrested in relation to the robbery, and as Woodward looked into each of the men, more and more scandals came to the surface. The story became so big that another journalist, Carl Bernstein, was assigned to the case as well. At one point they thought it may have not been a good idea to dig up all the dirt they ended up collecting during that time. The scandal itself ended up doing a lot of damage, and the story along with it.

    The movie itself does a really good job explaining the scandal in great detail, and it becomes a very educational experience overall. I encourage anyone who is remotely interested in journalism to watch this movie. Not knowing a lot about Watergate myself, it really broadened my interest and I gained a lot of new insight into the case.