Take a moment to think about what would happen if you didn’t have these things to appreciate. How would you feel? “I’m thankful because not everyone has a solid support system. They have to rely on themselves and that is hard to do. I love to travel. I’d need my Jeep to do it,” Richards said. Imagine how reassuring it would feel to be able to rely on a support system. Those you can count on. People, friends, family or even pets. “It is most important to me. My life would not be fulfilled without my family, pets and friends,” Small said. 

     When people are surrounded by things they appreciate, they may feel a sense of completion.  “I value them in that way because I feel as it honors them for everything, they have done with me or for me,” Richards said. To value something is to appreciate it. “And they make me feel a lot of emotions: mostly happy. They occasionally make me question my sanity. I love having them around,” Richards said. To feel happy and be able to have a good laugh with friends is something to be thankful for. 

     It, however, can sometimes be hard to find things to appreciate in life. “ I would say that even in the worst circumstances, you can reach out to the right people who love you and care for you. You’ll realize you’ll have more to appreciate than you realize,” Richards said. This tip can help anyone learn to find something or someone to appreciate. “There is always something to appreciate. Life in itself is worth living. Find what brings you joy and appreciate the small moments,” Small said. To feel joyous and cared for is a feeling like no other. It’s like a warm hug.  

     Imagine the possibilities when you find something to appreciate in your life. “I would definitely say that everything around you, you can make the best of it. Sometimes it’s hard to appreciate the things in life. But that’s when you need that thing or people the most,” Richards said. To look for daily things in your life that make you happy or content can help find what you appreciate. “Every day there is something that goes by or something that finds us to remind us to look for the positive things life has to offer. From there you will grow,” Small said. 

     Think about a time or a memory that brought you pure joy. Hold on to it. Appreciate it. You’ll feel happy and now have something to be thankful for that makes you feel appreciated and appreciative.