“Strive to find things to be thankful for, and just look for the good in who you are,” Bethany Hamilton, professional surfer, writer and inspiration, said. Life can offer many things to appreciate and be thankful for. Many appreciate things from family, friends, pets or even material items. “I appreciate my mom. My sisters. My dogs and cats. And I am thankful for my friends. I appreciate my Jeep not breaking down,” New Hampshire native, adventurer and dog lover, Breanna Richards, said. We feel gratitude by being thankful for things. 

     Support surrounds these feelings. “I’m thankful for my family.  We laugh, cry and celebrate. We are there for each other. Our pets allow me to take care of them. Be their voice. It’s an honor to be able to share my life with these animals. I am thankful for my friends, too. We are able to share stories. We also love to do fun things and support each other,” mom of two and animal lover, Catherine Small, said. The things we appreciate most in life help us get through tough times, too. “I appreciate them because they are my support system and when I’m having a bad day, they make it easier,” Richards said. 

Take a seat to ponder and appreciate the simple things in life.

     Connection and support can be helpful when looking for things to appreciate in life. “Family means connection and support. Same should be said for pets and friends,” Small said. Friends, family and even pets are great companions to help in giving you a support system. “They are extremely important because without them I wouldn’t be who I am now. I wouldn’t be able to feel comfortable exploring or traveling,” Richards said. Now, imagine having a bad day and coming home to a loving pet whom you can cuddle with. Or even running up to a friend for a hug. These things make you feel all the more appreciative of them.