Are you bored? Feel like there’s nothing to do? Well, spring has sprung and the snow is melting. One excellent thing to do would be to grab a group of friends, or go alone, and find a walking trail. One thing about Presque Isle that is marveled by many and draws the attention of out-of-staters is its natural beauty. Presque Isle is teeming with beautiful woods, mountains and lakes just waiting to be explored. Even the UMPI campus has nature trails to offer.

Here lies a green barn adjacent to the train tracks behind UMPI.

     According to one student, Megan Waceken, “Having places we can go outside right by the school is so important to me. There is so much room to explore.” Another UMPI student, Signey Johnston, said, “I never really did much around campus until my friends brought me to the train tracks behind school. It’s so cool back there! Ever since then I have been going back, with them and by myself, to be out in nature.” The walking trails really have cemented the bonds between UMPI and its students.

     Another great reason to go outside and go explore the nature of Presque Isle is the blatant fact that finals are coming! We all know how stressful these things can be. It is wonderful to allow yourself a break and spend time in the great outdoors, even for just an hour or so. As Megan Waceken said, “We see so much and it’s a great break from school work.” 

     Having the ability to step out of your dorm room and immediately be surrounded by the beauty of nature is something that many campuses around the United States cannot offer. Take advantage of where you live and explore!