Maria, lounging in her cage and taking in all the love.

Are you a dog or a cat person? Some people like cats. Some people like dogs. Others just love animals. If you love animals who are sweet, affectionate and beautiful, meet Maria. Maria is a 3-year-old tri-tiger who was brought in as a stray in September.

“She’s a really sweet girl,” Betsy Hallett, manager of the Central Aroostook Humane Society, said.

Maria is shy and reserved.  But as she gets to know you, she opens up and is very loving and affectionate. One reason she has been there for so long was that she wasn’t spayed when she got to the Humane Society.

“All females we have to hold for almost two months to make sure they’re not pregnant,” Dezarai St. Peter, kennel tech at CAHS, said.  “I think also because she is a little bit more reserved, she doesn’t really come out too much.”

Most of the cats who leave the shelter first are the ones who are in the front of the cage, meowing and seeking affection and attention. That’s not Maria. She’s shy and waits for the attention to come to her. If you want a calm cat, Maria is for you. She loves affection and love more than her toys. These qualities could change once Maria is in a good home, comfortable and happy. Maria would also do better as an only cat, because she would fight with them, which is another factor in her being here longer, because most adopters already have cats. She could be OK with a calm dog and calm children.

“She likes to go slow. And a lot of kids don’t like to go slow,” Dezarai said.

Maria is not much of an explorer. Is she’s comfortable, she’ll just lounge and relax all day. She is very mellow compared with a lot of other cats in the shelter. Another quality about Maria is her colors. She is absolutely stunning. She is orange, black, and mostly white and has beautiful green eyes. Her colors are usually very sought out in a cat, because she has the classic calico look a lot people love in a cat, and it’s not very common. Black cats usually sit in a shelter longer than a cat like Maria would.

Maria is living in one of the bigger cages they offer to the cats, because she’s been there for so long and it’s good for her to have the space to move around. These cages are reserved for cats who have been there a while or who don’t do well in the smaller cages. Maria was loving the affection so much, she didn’t leave it the whole time her cage was open. She’s a cat who loves affection and needs a calm home that can give that to her.

Maria is at the Humane Society today waiting for a forever home with a huge, cozy bed and a window sill to lie in front of and bask in the sun. If you want to come visit Maria, any other cat or come volunteer and clean, stop by CAHS at 24 Cross Street in Presque Isle. They would love to have the help and Maria would love to get some affection from you.


UPDATE: Maria had been adopted!  But she would love for you to come to CAHS and find another cat for a forever home.