Growing up, a tradition my siblings and I shared was emptying our Halloween bags after a night of trick-or-treating to sort. We called this the great candy trade. We’d bargain with one another, making deals trading Whoppers for Reece’s and Tootsie-Pops for Hershey bars. At the end of the trade, we’d be left with the candies no one liked. Mom would take the extras and put it in a communal bowl for anyone welcomed into the house to take. Eventually though, that bowl would find its way to the garbage.

Consider calling about donations before tossing out your candy!

     But is there a better place for unwanted candy to go, rather than the trash? Here are some options to consider before throwing precious treats away. 

  1. The Ronald McDonald House: The Ronald McDonald House is a nonprofit family and children’s charity dedicated to supporting families with sick children in their time of need. The foundation has many locations and welcomes donations, especially Halloween candy to give to families who may miss out on regular festivities during trying times. Call your local Ronald McDonald House to ask if your local location is accepting donations of candy!
  2. Local Nursing Homes: No matter how old a person is, candy is candy, and we all have a sweet tooth from time to time. If you’re unsure of what to do with you excess candy, call your local nursing home to see if it’s accepting donations!
  3. Freeze It: Unopened candy will stay fresh and ready to pull out and munch on anytime. To avoid a disorganized mess, try a gallon-size zipper plastic bag!
  4. Operation Shoebox: Operation Shoebox is a great way to give back to and support our troops deployed overseas and returning home. The organization is always in need of candy and accepts any and all kinds of candy, as it can be sent at any time. It tries to include a bag of candy in every package it sends. To learn more or request a box, visit: