The University of Maine at Presque Isle will bring in new classes that have to do with pop culture. One of the first classes that the university will be providing is Vampires: The Myths, Truths and Horror. The class will begin at the start of the fall semester in 2018.

     The class will have everything and anything to do with vampires. The first lecture will be on the history of vampires and why people are so fascinated by this genre. The class will also be online, for students who cannot be in the class in person. 

     The class will also analyze movies and television shows that are about vampires. The movies that will be watched and discussed are the five Twilight movies. Since the class will meet two days a week (days are still being determined), there will be a fun lecture on the first time the class meets and then watch a Twilight movie. After, students will have to write a paragraph on how the movie portrays vampires and if it is accurate for the student.

     The class will then watch the pilot episodes of television shows such as “The Vampire Diaries” and “True Blood.” The students will compare the television shows on how they are different and what is the same.

     The class will be an opportunity for students to understand pop culture and why vampires are popular. The class will have also bring in a new professor from Oregon, Professor Steve Johnson. He has taught classes like this before and is excited for what this class has in store for students.

     “I am so excited for this class. Students will love it because the lecture will be like a discussion, but we will also watch movies and TV shows and just have a good time,” Johnson said.

     Some students already know about the class, such as Paige Fenton, who is an online student. “This class seems very interesting, and I cannot wait to take it. I feel like it will be a good experience and a good elective class that I can take,” Fenton said.

     The class will be exciting, and students should take this opportunity to sign up because it will be a vampirtastic class!