I am writing this week’s article shortly after this year’s Awards Ceremony. During this annual event dozens of our students are recognized for their scholarship and service to the UMPI community. A few scholarships and the Student Government Association’s Distinguished Teaching Award and the Distinguished Staff Award were also handed out.

Congratulations to Aaron Marston for winning the Distinguished Teaching Award and Bob Michaud for winning the Distinguished Staff Award.

The Awards Ceremony is a great event, but it always makes me think about those students who do not get recognized. I believe it is very important to recognize our students who do well academically and provide service to others, and I know we are not able to recognize everyone, but I would like to take a few minutes to recognize some of the students who may not get recognized.

As the dean of students, I have the opportunity to talk to many of our students. Here are some of the student stories I have had the privilege to hear over the past couple of years.

I would like to recognize the students who work 30 or more hours a week, while taking care of family responsibilities and taking classes. UMPI appreciates the hard work that you do, but more important, your family thanks you for all you do for them.

I would like to recognize the students who have decided to come to school later in life. Many of the students attending UMPI were not able to attend college right out of high school. Thank you for your courage to start something this important later in life.

I would like to recognize the students who come from low-income families. We recognize how difficult it can be for you and your families to pull the funds together to come to college and recognize the sacrifices that you and your families may be facing. It is because of you that UMPI works so hard to provide the lowest cost quality education possible.

I would like to recognize all of our students who are the first members of their family to go to college. As scary as college can be, you are taking a huge step in doing something special. I hope your family is supporting you in every way possible.

Last, I would like to recognize those students who battle illness while in college. We have several students at UMPI facing debilitating illnesses, mental disabilities and learning disabilities, but they still push forward. These students have many factors stacked against them, but they strive to do well and work hard to succeed.

Although the students mentioned above and all of the others I may have missed may not receive awards or recognitions for the things they do, I want all of the students to know that the faculty and staff at UMPI think you are all important to us and you are all amazing in your own way.

Thank you for choosing UMPI and thank you for all you do here and for the ones you love. Have a good summer.

For those of you who will be graduating, remember to bring your wings with you. We all would love to see picture of you and the places your wing will take you in life.