Do you believe in aliens from outer space? New evidence suggests that aliens are indeed among us. Beware because they may be coming after you. William Jenkins, sophomore student at the University of Maine at Presque Isle, claims he witnessed his roommate, Tommy White, being abducted by a UFO. 

     “We were just walking around campus to get some fresh air after a long night of studying,” Jenkins said. “We were looking up at the stars when we noticed a bright light coming down from the sky. All of a sudden, right before us, there was a UFO hovering above the campus.”

UFO abduction of UMPI student.

     Amazingly, Jenkins managed to capture a photo just moments before the abduction. “Tommy just started walking toward the UFO like he was hypnotized or something,” Jenkins said. “I screamed out to him, ‘Tommy, what are you doing? Come back!’ But it was like he couldn’t hear me. He was in some sort of trance. I knew nobody would believe me, so I quickly grabbed my cell phone to take a snapshot. The second after I took the photo, they disappeared. Just like that, both Tommy and the UFO were gone.”

     It’s been several days since Tommy White has vanished. No one on campus has seen or heard from him since Jenkins took the photo. “He hasn’t been back to our dorm room. All of his stuff has remained untouched,” Jenkins said. “I’ve been calling his cell phone every day, but it just keeps going to voicemail. I hope that he’s OK, wherever he is.”