This year, Major League Baseball has gone into what is called a “lockout.” This means that Major League Baseball and the Player’s Association, a group that protects the player’s rights, could not come to an agreement on terms for the 2022 season. The MLB has canceled the season until terms are agreed upon. This means that players can’t play, can’t get paid and can’t have much contact with their teams.

     Because of this, the MLB is looking for replacement players who can come in to fill the positions of the professional players for little to no money at all. Three of UMPI’s baseball players–Timmy Burns, Logan McDougall and Spencer Harmon–were chosen as replacement players! 

     “This is a really exciting opportunity for us,” captain Timmy Burns said. “Not only is this great for the three of us who were chosen. It also brings lots of publicity and recognition to UMPI’s baseball program.” 

     The players will meet in Florida for a late spring training since the season is delayed. Spencer Harmon couldn’t believe that he was chosen in the process. He said, “I honestly entered the whole thing as a joke. I never thought I would have been picked to go play in the MLB!” 

     Spencer has only been at UMPI since this past fall. So for him, this means picking up and leaving for the second time in a year. “I think it’s another change I will be able to adjust to. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for us, so I have to take it.” 

     Along with Spencer, Logan McDougall joined the team this semester. This means he will be leaving after only being here for a matter of months. “I’m still shocked, honestly,” McDougall said. “It’s another big change that I have to make. But since I have a couple of guys whom I know with me, I think I’ll be OK.” 

     Head Coach Roger Stinson was more than proud of his players for being chosen. “These guys have worked extremely hard. I never thought this was a possibility. But I wish them nothing but the best.” 

     As these players get ready to go train for the big leagues, wish them luck and get ready to follow some of UMPI baseball on TV!