Prom is considered one of the most important parts of a high school career. Many students spend their four years of high school looking forward to their senior prom.

Kasidie Chapman, graduate of Fort Fairfield Middle High School and Sage Roling, graduate of Medomak Valley High School, recalled their senior year prom experiences. Both of them admitted that prom was one of their favorite senior memories. “The best part of prom was being with all of my friends and classmates and seeing them dressed up,” Chapman said.

Roling feels similarly. “My favorite part was getting dressed up and having a fun time with friends,” she said. Prom should be a good time for everyone. The time leading up to prom is some people’s favorite part. Females get their hair, nails and makeup done, and it’s a good excuse for them to treat themselves. Some males don’t take prom as seriously. They might get a haircut or make sure they have a clean shave and their tuxedos, but they’re not nearly as busy on prom day as most females are.

Even if pre-prom and prom itself are great, there are still some people who wish that they could change something. “Prom didn’t go the way I wanted it to. I spent most of the day in the emergency room with my dad, then I had dress problems. Also, my hair and makeup weren’t exactly what I wanted, but I enjoyed the prom itself. I would’ve gone with somebody else if I had to chance to redo it, though,” Chapman said.

Prom isn’t going to be perfect, as much as you’d want it to be. But it gives seniors a chance to have a good time with their friends before they go off and do their own things. Some people who didn’t go to prom say, “You’re going to regret it if you don’t go to prom.” There are those who believe that this is a true statement, but others may disagree. Chapman said that she agrees with it. “Prom isn’t an event that everybody would enjoy, but after you’re there and in good company, it’s worth it.” Roling disagreed with the statement. She said, “It was fun, but not that special to me.” Prom isn’t for everybody, but in some situations, it’s a good idea to go so you don’t miss out on anything. Some people don’t want to go because they don’t have dates, but according to Chapman and Roling, half of the people at proms don’t have dates. They go with their friends as a group, and it is fun either way.

Another reason some people don’t go is that they don’t have a nice limo or they don’t have money to buy other things expected for prom. Both Chapman and Roling didn’t get limos. One of them just drove there and met up with her friends, and the other one got a ride from her friend’s mom.

It’s surprising that not many people actually have money for things expected for prom. Chapman got her dress at a thrift store, so it wasn’t too expensive. She described her dress as “a floor length black dress.” Roling got her dress, which was “long and multicolored with gems,” for free! She said, “My mother did my hair and nails.” Even if people look like they spent a lot of money on prom, that isn’t usually the case. But it looks as though prices for prom will keep climbing. Prices keep going up for everything, and prom dresses are very expensive to begin with.

Many proms have distinct locations and themes. Chapman’s prom theme was Arabian. Also, the location of her prom was in her high school gym. Most schools have a different location, but Chapman’s senior class was smaller, so they could fit in the high school gym. Roling’s prom was at an event hall a few minutes from her school. She explained that her prom had a Hollywood theme.

Before and after prom, there are many places that students go. Some go home and some go to their friends’ houses to celebrate the end of their senior year. Roling “went to dinner with friends before and went to a friend’s house after.” That’s the common thing to do before and after prom. Chapman was even more relaxed. “After prom, a few friends, our dates and I went to Tim Hortons, but we didn’t do anything before prom.”

Prom can be really fun, but it’s not for everybody. If you like social events, and look forward to meeting new people and having a great night before graduation, then prom is the place to go.