Do you need a place to practice those skills you’re learning in your classrooms? How about a work experience placement? Or a job for next summer? Check out the TRIO College Access Services office right here on campus!

This past summer we had eight current UMPI students or recent graduates working in live-in positions as our Residence Director and Counselor/Tutors.  They perform duties like those of both a resident assistant and a teaching assistant. They not only earned a salary plus their room and board for seven weeks, but they also gained valuable knowhow, another word for proficiencies! As Morgan Swan, a recent UMPI grad and C/T for Latin and the sophomore cohort said, “This summer was an opportunity of growth. I was able to strengthen my relationships with both students and staff. I found myself spending more time listening….instead of telling my stories/opinions.”

Matthew Theriault, a junior at UMPI and an Upward Bound alumni, was the English C/T for the summer. He said, “I gained a lot of leadership skills that will definitely come in handy as I step into my new position as RA for UMPI. … I learned skills that help me go with the flow more, because sometimes things change at Upward Bound and we have to just roll with it and adapt. Working this summer has definitely taught me to adapt to changing situations better.” In addition, Matt reflected on his experience as a returning alumni. “It was very different seeing the program from a staff perspective, but it gave me new appreciation for how much effort goes into making the summer work. It was an amazing opportunity and I cannot wait to come back next summer!”

Derek Boudreau, reflecting on his personal experience, said, “I have a better understanding of my personal limits. I’m more able to ask for help when I need it. I had the opportunity to grow my patience. Most importantly, I left with a sense of satisfaction in having done a job which makes a real impact.”

The possibilities are almost endless for gaining hands-on, real world experience in a professional setting through TRIO! The department encompasses two different federally funded college access programs through three federal grants: two Upward Bound (UB) programs and an Educational Talent Search (ETS) program. The goal of all TRIO programs is to help students gain the knowledge, skills and attitudes necessary to be successful in earning a college degree. Eligible students in grades 6-12 benefit from ETS services and UB serves students in grades 9-12.

To qualify, students must meet one or more guidelines. They must potentially be the first in their families to earn a college degree. In other words, neither parent has yet earned a four-year (bachelor level) degree. Or the family must meet federal income guidelines, which are based on family size and taxable income. Or students must have a particular academic need or other barrier.

Services provided fall into both the academic year and the summer. Some of the opportunities to help, and gain relevant professional skills at the same time, come in the form of tutoring, mentoring, workshop presentations on issues that concern teens, as well as on academic subjects such as organizing, time management or writing better essays and office tasks such as website updating, creating workshop packets and filing. Some are regular positions that earn a paycheck, such as the counselor/tutor jobs in the summer, tutors in the academic year and work experience. Others might be counted as an internship.

On another note, we are pleased to announce another development in our department. We were just notified that the Educational Talent Search portion of our services was refunded at a $1.2 million level for another five years following a grueling competitive process. Of 880 applications received by the U.S. Department of Education, UMPI’s was one of only 459 projects funded. And we received a perfect score! The only other Educational Talent Search project funded in Maine is located at the University of Maine flagship campus in Orono.

So welcome back!  And if you need a spot to apply and hone your abilities, consider TRIO College Access Services a ready-made learning lab! Stop by our offices in Suite 16, Preble Hall, and we’ll see what we can do.