The movie “All the President’s Men” was an interesting movie to say the least. Since the movie was based on a true story, I decided to do a little research on it. People have heard of the Watergate scandal, but it was never taught in classes. The movie did a good job with telling the story and promoting understanding.  If people watch it, they will not be confused. The movie can be a little slow-moving at times, but that means that they are trying to tell a good story.

The start of the movie was not slow-moving at all because the film started off right with suspense. The men who were the ones behind the master-plan of the Watergate burglary got caught and that is when everything came into motion. The movie then gets more intense as it goes because the men who were behind the story of the scandal, Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein, know that there is more to the story. Both men worked on this for a while, many people lied, and the two men had to struggle to get the truth out of some people. They went to a lot of people where some were not helpful and most of them were a bit rude. Even with people not telling them anything, they still got information from different sources. It might have taken longer, but they knew this story needed to be told.

Since the movie was filmed in the 1970s, the scenes were quite longer than expected. Some scenes felt like an eternity and a person might lose interest in those scenes. It is not boring or anything, it was just long scenes that ran for about five minutes. Even with that critique, the movie felt to be authentic when it did scenes like that because in real life that’s how long interviews are. The running time was long, so that is why they had scenes that ran for a while.

The movie did a good job with telling the story how it needs to be told. A fun fact of this movie is that they did not film in Washington, D.C., but in California. That was amazing because it felt like they were in D.C., so people who watch the film will be glad that they made it authentic and truthful to the story. This movie may not seem like it is for everyone, but it can be. The film teaches the audience about integrity, respect and fighting for the truth. People who like political dramas will like this film.  And people will learn a lot about the importance of freedom of the press.