“Someone come hangout!!”

“Who’s down to go skiing wednesdayyyy?”

“People are so desperate it’s nauseating.”

“Any guy wanna hook up?”

“I hate my life.”

“I’m so heart broken right now.” 

These are just a few examples of the kind of content you can expect to find on Yik Yak.  Yik Yak is a location-based, social-media platform.  It can be used to make anonymous posts that people located near you can read.  What exactly draws people to Yik Yak?  What sets it apart from other apps and social media platforms?

“People can be as honest as they want, and they can say things they wouldn’t normally say,” freshman Lily Logidice said.  “I’ve seen some pretty nasty stuff on there, like threats.  People will say anything when it can’t be traced back to them.”

In March of 2016 Yik Yak introduced a new feature: handles.  Users are now given the option to label their yaks (posts) and comm

“You can use my name and my handle, everyone knows it’s me,” Ethan Dube said.  Dube uses the handle Twilight Realm on Yik Yak.  Why does Dube use the app?  “It’s something to do when I’m bored.”

The nature of the app makes it easy for conflicts to arise.  “There are definitely ways people can abuse that.  You can say whatever you want without fear of reprisal,” Dube said. “It kind of turned into people targeting other people and directly calling people out,” Dube said in reference to a conflict involving him and other Yik Yak users.

The altercation began when someone yaked about Dube and his roommates.  A personal dispute was put on public display.  Everyone on Yik Yak got front row seats as the action unfolded.  Dube and his roommates were accused of reporting the yaker and his friends for drinking in a dry dorm.  The OP and Dube went back and forth in the replies, arguing about morality.  Other users joined in and started posting their own opinions.

“If you actually want to talk it over, come talk to us.  You hide behind social media,” one of Dube’s roommates replied.  The comments became increasingly hostile, vulgar and immature.

Yik Yak’s use of anonymity takes social media to another level.  It gives people a place to say things without being held accountable.  The opportunity to be anonymous is an ingenious way to attract new users.  It piques the interest of many, regardless of their intentions.  People drawn to the app may be surprised by how differently they act wearing the veil of anonymity.