“Spotlight” is a raw look at what investigative journalists go through. Robby, Mike, Sacha and Matt all sacrifice their time and home lives to investigate. To get information on a case that affects families all over, these journalists must sacrifice spending time with their own. The four scour reports and spreadsheets for hours and hours. This film reveals how reporters actually do their job. It is a very realistic look at what the real Spotlight team went through. In the film, the reporters work endlessly to uncover the truth. The church provides plenty of backlash against the accusations, making it even more difficult for the four. This mirrors what actually occurred. Uncovering an issue deep within a system is never easy. It can leave people with a bad taste in their mouths, knowing that such issues happen more often than most think. People grow up thinking that the church is a safe place. A story like this can cause everyone to feel unsafe. Still, it is best to look for a light in the darkness. 

     The four reporters gained a lot from their journey. As the film shows, their duty as journalists is fulfilled when thousands of people are made aware of injustice. Their work exposes the abuse of power that is taking place at the church. Publishing such a story is life-changing for the victims and their families. The reporters also worked with victims to help them get some justice. 

     “Spotlight” is a must-see film. It is award-winning for a reason. The Spotlight team makes scouring documents and writing spreadsheets an enthralling and heart-wrenching experience. You will never want to look away. “Spotlight” will challenge you to question the institutions around you. This film demonstrates how a small lead can set about a wave of truth that affects thousands. The main message of the film is to expose wrongdoings. It is about holding those in power accountable. It is heartbreaking and inspiring. To educate yourself is to help the world. If you haven’t seen it yet, strongly consider it.