Spring is always an exciting time. Classes are winding down for the semester, seniors are getting ready to graduate, either from high school or college, and there is a general feeling of anticipation for summer. This year, there is one more reason to be excited. Dr. Jacqui Lowman, a professor at UMPI, has finally set out on her Appalachian Trail Adventure.

Lowman and her faithful companion and service dog, Saint, set out for the Appalachian Trail in mid-March, travelling down to Georgia where the trail starts. “During the latter part of March, Saint and I spent nearly a week on the trail with an incredible group from Clemson University: my friend and colleague Sean Williams and four students—Brad Bradley, Lindsay Costin, Philip Gee and Jimmy Knot,” Lowman said. She also mentioned that the hike was challenging for everyone, but all members of the team persevered and learned a lot along the way.

After the first week, Lowman and Saint needed to take a little break while some of the hiking equipment received some needed repairs and adjustments. They are now in Clemson, SC and Lowman is currently working on recruiting more hikers. “As we get additional teams, we will get back on the trail and hike additional sections,” Lowman said.

Even though the hike has only just begun, Lowman already considers it a success, because the message of BEYOND LIMITS, the nonprofit group that was started by Lowman and that is fostering the hike, is being spread. “The BEYOND LIMITS Appalachian Trail Adventure has never really been about a hike,” Lowman said. “Rather, it’s about spreading the principles of BEYOND LIMITS in every way possible.” BEYOND LIMITS is about building community, bringing people together and helping all people realize their potentials. It’s about helping people go beyond their own limits to achieve what may seem impossible.

The hike will continue throughout the summer and into the fall. As it goes on, there will be updates on the BEYOND LIMITS website (www.beyondlimitsawaken.org) for those who would like to follow along with the adventure. And Lowman and Saint are looking forward to spreading the message of community and perseverance as they continue the adventure of a lifetime.