Attending college is a major milestone for any student. For a lot of students today, finances, distance and busy lives prevent them from taking the “traditional” college route. For students facing these obstacles, the Houlton Higher Education Center can help. The Houlton Center provides the courses and supportive environment needed to get your degree.

Derrick Ellis, a sophomore, has been taking courses through the Houlton Center for the last two years. He notes how the Houlton Center is helpful for students struggling with the finances that comes with distance. “Normally, when a kid wants to attend college, it can, occasionally, be a long way from home. Not only do you spend money on gas, but you also pay for room and board, a meal plan, books, etc.,” Ellis said. For students located near the Houlton area, the Houlton Center could be the alternative you need to pursue a degree.

For others, attending “traditional” college is a problem because they have to work. Therefore, they are not able to travel during the day. Elizabeth Scott, currently a student at UMA who has taken courses from the Houlton Center in the past, said, “It’s easier if you’re working full time, you have the option to take classes at the Houlton Center in the evening. I am getting the same education that you would get on campus, I just don’t have to worry about the travelling.”

The Houlton Center provides many courses that can be put toward a degree at any of the University of Maine campuses. Taking these classes at the Houlton Center is a great opportunity because you are in an encouraging environment and they are offered in a variety of ways. Scott said, “They offer a variety of instructional methods. It allows you to choose the method of instruction that is best suited for your style of learning.” Students at the Houlton Center can attend classes through a live class with a teacher present, interactive television, video conferencing and courses online. The Houlton Center provides you Internet access, printer and a quiet computer lab. There are many quiet areas in the Houlton Center where you can study and there are always people there to help you the best they can. Ellis said, “The Houlton Center is a great alternative to locals. You have access to most courses offered by UMPI and UMA.”

Students who are facing the challenges of distance and prior commitments have no need to worry. Attending the Houlton Higher Education Center will help you reach your goals. For students near the Houlton area, distance and the cost of travel no longer have to be a challenge. For any students looking toward a college education, you can do so with the support found at the Houlton Higher Education Center. Ellis says, “It’s a great place to pursue an education.”