By Meagan Blanchard

     Some families create traditions for Christmas and they become their favorite things to look forward to. Every tradition is a little different. The Blanchard family starts the night before Christmas. The whole family gathers together at Margaret and Fred Blanchard’s house to have a big dinner, games and opening gifts a little early. When Margaret and Fred had their first grandchild, Mikayla, the tradition started. Now this tradition has been going strong for almost 22 years. Every year the grandkids can hardly wait for Christmas Eve to come. But it’s not all about the presents. 

     Everyone in the Blanchard family gathers around the dinner table full of lots of food. But they do Christmas dinner a little differently. Margaret makes homemade rolls for deli sandwiches and many sides to go with them. “My favorite part is the rolls,” Olivia said. There is one side dish that Margaret makes only for Christmas Eve, and that is green bean casserole. “It is the first thing I go for at the table,” Mikayla said. It has become a very important thing to have at the table on Christmas Eve. After the casserole dish is empty and all bellies are full, the Blanchard family moves to the living room for some entertainment. 

      Ever since the grandkids were old enough to walk and talk, they have been the life of the party. The family’s favorite part of Christmas Eve at the Blanchards is when the grandkids perform Christmas plays for the rest of the family. Every year they pick two songs and they will dress up and sing while the rest watch and take videos. “I am always a reindeer,” Olivia said. While Olivia gets in her reindeer costume, Meagan gets dressed in a Santa suit. When all the kids are ready, they come out and will perform songs such as “Santa Claus Is Coming to Town.” “Meagan is always Santa because she is the least shy and loudest one out of all of us,” Mikayla said. Every year Margaret records their plays and keeps them to show the kids in the future. 

     Once 7 p.m. approaches, the family starts handing out gifts. Under the tree is overflowing with gifts that Margaret wrapped all on her own. Once all have a gift in their hands they all open them at once. “We always watch home videos from Christmas before while opening our gifts,” Olivia said. The Blanchard family spends the rest of the night opening gifts, having desert and sharing laughs. This Christmas Eve tradition has become something the whole family looks forward to.

The grandchildren getting ready to put on a show.