People should watch this film to get a better understanding of what happens in a journalist’s career and the actions it takes to speak the truth. The general summary of the film is

that two reporters decide to research the 1972 burglary of Democratic National Committee headquarters, which led them to a White House staff member. Exposing this information put them at risk and endangered their lives. These reporters still continued to pursue the topic and bravely moved forward with their stories. People should feel inspired by their work and continue pursuing the truths that interest them.

     Anyone should watch this film, especially if you love thrillers, are a fan of democracy, or are interested in what it takes to become a journalist. It’s also provides a great discussion on media ethics, as it’s so focused on doing what’s right for the betterment of the community. Ethically minded honest journalists such the ones featured in this film are great sources of inspiration for those interested in truthful media.