Today, almost everyone has a money transfer app on their phone. Facebook Messenger, PayPal, Venmo, Cash App–everyone has heard of these. Before these services existed, money had to be transferred in less convenient ways. Technology has allowed families and friends to send one another money in the blink of an eye. These apps are surpassing mobile banking at soaring rates. When people are in need of money, it is important that they receive it as soon as possible. That is why these apps are useful for people who have moved away from their family but still need support. 

Three of the most popular money transfer apps.

     In 2016, Elisabet Hernandez met her now best friend Paula Santiago on Twitter. Hernandez is from Bío Bío, Chile. She is 20 years old. Santiago is from Montevideo, Uruguay. The two are the same age. When they first met, they got along instantly. Hernandez was struggling to flourish in Chile, where the government situation was going through a rough patch. She would often vent to Santiago. 

     “I met Paula and she told me how it was living in Montevideo. I knew that I had to go there. The situation in Chile was bad. The government was failing us, and it felt like we were always at war with the system,” Hernandez said.