By Kyle Nichols

    In our town of Presque Isle, UMPI does a tremendous job of bringing in students from states across the country. A lot of these students who come from far away are coming to play on one of UMPI’s many sports teams. The state of Florida is one of the bigger states represented by students at UMPI, including graduate student Timmy Burns.

     Timmy’s journey at UMPI has been nothing short of remarkable. Back in his freshman year, he was the embodiment of shyness, often blending into the background. One of Timmy’s closest friends, graduate student Dakota Morrow, testified to this saying, “Tim was one of the shyest people I knew at that time. He would not say a word unless he had to.” But as the years rolled by, his story took a dramatic turn, one that would see him not only emerge from his cocoon, but also spread his wings as a confident leader.

     For Timmy, the turning point came when he earned the captain’s title for the UMPI Owls’ baseball team. That’s when he really began to open up and step into his own. “The leader role was definitely placed upon me unexpectedly,” Timmy said. “ As the spring season of my sophomore year began,  the team was tasked with voting for captains. The first two were obvious: fifth-year returning seniors. However, I had no idea I was even in contention to be the third captain. But, I was voted on to indeed be the third captain. A role I would maintain, by myself, for the next three years.” Graduate student and long-time friend Payton Jones knows how much Timmy has been working, especially with the title of captain. “He always mentions to me how he feels he has to do things just because he is the captain of the team, which in a way helped him loosen up a bit,” Payton said.  The responsibility of leading a team by making crucial decisions and inspiring his teammates was a challenge that Timmy embraced in stride.    

     You can’t help but admire Timmy’s dedication and hard work. He’s not just a natural athlete, but someone who has honed his skills over the years. Timmy’s growth as a baseball player has been evident every season he’s been at UMPI. “As a freshman, I was very quiet and shy. I stayed in my dorm a lot,” Timmy said. “I had some skills as a player, but was never confident about them. And as a teammate, I fit into the classic mold of not talking or moving unless told to by someone else while on the field or in the dugout. Today, I have the most confidence in my game that I’ve ever had, and I would like to think I am one of the most team-oriented and encouraging players on the roster, all while having an absolute blast all the time!”     

     But what’s truly impressive is how this journey of baseball excellence has gone hand in hand with personal growth. “I remember first getting to Maine and the first few months he was quiet and shy. He has definitely opened up a lot more,” Payton said. “Taking on the leadership role I think excelled him in that way as well. He has been able to grow and build upon the leadership characteristics. I feel even into this year he will continue to grow his character more and more.”

     Timmy’s journey shows  the transformative power of sports. As he became a stronger baseball player, he also became a stronger individual. His shy exterior gave way to a confident leader who could motivate his team both on and off the field. “One piece of advice I will say, is to always go above and beyond to do the extra little things for a while, then step back and notice how others now treat you and how your role begins to change,” Timmy said. “Trust me, it can guide you into that role of being a leader that you didn’t originally think was possible.”

     But this story is not just about Timmy Burns the athlete or the captain. It’s about Timmy Burns, the person. He’s a testament to the potential that resides within each of us as well as what we can bring out of the people around us. “Playing alongside Tim is an honor,” Dakota said. “He is one of the best I have ever played on the same field with.” His journey teaches us that with hard work and the right people around you, people can find their voice, take on leadership roles and inspire others to do the same.

Timmy Burns with Brian Morrison (Left), and Roger Stinson (Right)