It has been over two years since Aroostook County has received a visit from any circus shows. “It’s really just a sad thing,” Ray Rice, President of the University of Maine at Presque Isle, said. “My wife and I would always bring our daughter and make a really nice day of it.” Rice says that Spring 2022, however, has something big in store for the county. “I’m bringing the circus back!” Rice exclaimed.

Elephants and ballerinas performing at the Dingling and Bros. distant cousin’s show, Ringling and Bros. and Barnum and Bailey circus.

     Dingling Bros. and Farnum & Hailey Circus, based out of Nunya, ME, is a small circus touring company. Their act includes three lion tamers up against four big cats; two elephants accompanied by ballerinas who perform on their backs; and a sword swallower. “These performers are really next level,” Rice explained. “I can’t wait to get them here.” Hotel capacities are at their highest during the weekend of UMPI’s graduation the second weekend of May. So Rice decided that he would open his campus to the carnies, whose show starts the same week. “I’ve met these people,” he said. “These are some of the nicest, kindest people I have ever met. I couldn’t be happier to host them.  I know that the students of UMPI will enjoy getting to know them just as much as I have.”