Kassidy Morin is a Social Work major and active volunteer at UMP.

     This month’s Student Spotlight features UMPI student Kassidy Morin. Kassidy is a social work major from Grand Falls, New Brunswick, Canada. This is her junior year at UMPI. Kassidy is a member of the Campus Crusade for Christ and the Student Organization of Social Work at UMPI. She likes UMPI because it is a small school and is close to her home.

     Kassidy chose to study social work because her mother is a social worker and because of the high quality of the UMPI social work program, led by Professors Shirley Rush, Kim-Anne Perkins and Jean Cashman. Kassidy loves her professors and learns a lot in her classes.  She believes that being a social work major allows her to be involved easily on campus, especially since the Student Organization of Social Work is highly active.

     Kassidy volunteers often at UMPI and in the greater Presque Isle area. Kassidy said, “Volunteering gives you perspective. It’s a good thing.” She also said that volunteering at UMPI is a great way to meet other people and to get involved. Some of the projects that Kassidy has volunteered for recently include the Caribou Veterans Home game night, hosted by UMPI students, in September; the UMPI Central Aroostook Humane Society event, also in September; and the Maine Hunger Dialogue in October. She also intends to volunteer at the Caribou Veterans Home game night event on Sunday, Nov. 12, and at the Children’s Storytime event, led by UMPI student volunteers, at Turner Library in Presque Isle on Saturday, Nov. 18 at noon. Furthermore, she is considering attending the second annual UMPI Alternative Spring Break, a free event, March 11-14, 2018.

     Outside of school, Kassidy works as a mentor for young people in foster care. In her spare time, she enjoys running, doing yoga and studying. Her favorite author is Cassandra Clare, and her favorite films are “Maleficent,” “A Dog’s Purpose” and “The Hobbit.” She has two older brothers, Taylor Ryan and Logan Mark.

     UMPI student Darius Haskell, president of the Mathematics Club and treasurer of Campus Crusade for Christ, said of Kassidy, “She is a dedicated and motivated individual who is eager to serve others and her community. She is an exemplary student and embodies what it means to be a good social worker.”


UMPI is fortunate to have students like Kassidy Morin on campus. The AmeriCorner commends her for her accomplishments and for her commitment to service.