Many know of the widespread problem that the movie “Spotlight” brings into light. “Spotlight” is a two-and-a-half-hour movie about the Boston Globe receiving a new Editor. The Editor decides that they should focus on an article about a priest molesting a child. The Spotlight team (consisting of four people by the names of Robby, Mike, Matt and Sacha), as they are referred to in the movie, is assigned to see if there is anything more to the story than just a single priest molesting a child.

As the team does a background search and goes through a painful tasking journey to find out if that’s all that story holds, they find that there is a potential for 87 priests to have been doing this for a long time. None of them, the entire Boston Globe, thought that it was going to be as bad as it was. They didn’t know that about 6 percent of all priests are most likely going to end up molesting children, that it seemed normal to the priests that they should molest them.

In “Spotlight”, Robby, who was the main editor for the Spotlight Team. Fought his beliefs. Him, Mike, Matt and Sacha (the whole Spotlight division), fought what they knew. They gave up the notion that the Church was a safe space. The Church would never do that, let alone cover it up. The church could never! But once the story was released, they each helped many people come forward and tell their story.

“Spotlight” is a very well-directed film that helps others see what reporters go through to get the information needed for a well-grounded story. Not only does it see fit to a reporter’s view but it helps those who have been molested to seek help, to know that they are not the only ones. To know that there are people out there who care.
“ “Spotlight”. Based on the true events of the Boston Globe fighting for a story. A story about how the Church buries everything, buries children getting molested, about how it avoids law and reason. About how no one can say no to “God.” The reporters in the Spotlight division of the Boston Globe decided to do some digging of their own. A story popped up about a priest who molested a child and the Church apologized and said that it was a onetime thing. It was not, however. “Spotlight” may touch on a very difficult topic, but it handles it very well. The movie is very moving and very touching. It helps those who have survived similar experiences to understand that they are not alone and that others will always be there for them.”