What would make you want to go to a personal responsibility workshop over spring break? If gift bags and free lunch don’t grab your attention, the empowering and eye-opening content will. It will cover many things young adults should be practicing in order to be responsible, stay healthy and be confident. Specifically it will dive into topics such as healthy relationships, communication skills, confidence, self-advocacy, HVI and STIs. While these topics may be hard to talk about, they are very important to remember not only in general, but especially when you are trying to get a foot in the door of life as a young adult. The facilitator of the event, Jenny Paul, put it best, “It’s a tough topic, but an important topic.”

    This workshop is brought to you by Aroostook County Action Program with curriculum “Be Proud! Be Responsible!” provided by New Beginnings and Family Planning. “We really want to encourage young adults to take charge of their lives now and wait to form families,” Paul said.

     The workshop is anything but boring: it brings enlightening activities and promises to involve its attendees. Paul assures the public, “If they come, they’ll like it.” Not only is this a great refresher on how to keep yourself safe in young adult situations.  There’s also plenty to learn about the dangerous ties of drugs and STIs that many don’t think to worry about.

     UMPI professor Dr. Jacqui Lowman spends her work days surrounded by young adult students whom she wants to see succeed. She believes this workshop is a great opportunity for them.  “I think it’s going to empower people.  It’s a terrible cliché, but, knowledge is power,” Lowman said.   

     Before leaving the event, as previously mentioned, attendees will receive gift bags as a thank you for going the extra mile to educate themselves on these tough subjects.