
In Photo: Adan K. Mohamed, Joshua Williams, Blake Winslow, Daria Wozmak, Lossene Dorleh,  Jim Stepp, Elizabeth Butterfield, Lassana Dorleh, Beth Olsen, Katherine Waldron, John Paluszec

     The Student Government Association at the University of Maine at Presque Isle serves many different purposes.  Our main functions are to:

  • Act as a liaison between the student body and the Board of Trustees.
  • Act as a liaison between the students and the administration.
  • Act as a policy recommendation board to the administration.
  • Provide leadership opportunities for UMPI students.
  • Provide programming outlets for UMPI students.
  • Aid in the distribution of approximately $90,000 of Student Activities Fees to the Student Activities Office, campus clubs and organizations and several student-related programs (such as free Big Rock Skiing and free ice-skating at the Forum).

We encourage all students to consider joining us at our weekly meeting.  If you wish to become an SGA senator, you will need to attend three meetings in order to be able to vote.  You will have an opportunity to be introduced to the SGA during the first meeting.  At the second meeting, you are nominated to be a senator by one of the current senators and at the third meeting, you will be voted in as a senator.

The SGA will be holding a retreat at the dean of students’ house to formulate the mission, vision and goals for the upcoming year on Sept. 10.


The SGA meets every Tuesday at 1 p.m. in the Campus Center Alumni Room.

Here are the minutes from the August 30, 2016, SGA meeting.

Attendance: Blake Winslow (president), Lassana Dorleh (treasurer), Craig Pullen (parliamentarian), Alex DesRuisseaux (BOT Rep), Elizabeth Butterfield (senator), Andrew Hunt (senator), Lossene Dorleh (senator), Riana Teixeira (senator), Katy Waldron (senator), Debbie Jones (visitor), Joshua Williams (visitor).

1:02 Meeting called to order.

1:03 Introduction of members and guests.

1:05 Blake explains goals and purpose of SGA for guests.

1:06 Motion to make Elizabeth Butterfield a senator. Motioned by Katy Waldron, second by Lassana Dorleh.

Motion to nominate Daria Wozmac as secretary–tabled for now since it cannot be voted upon until she is here.

1:09 Guest–Debbie Jones, president of Astronomy Club. In search of telescope that should be on campus but they cannot locate it. At this time, the club does not need funding. Motion to approve the constitution of astronomy club, motioned by Katy Waldron, second by Riana Teixeira.  Motion passed.

1:16 Discussion of handout made by Alex DesRuisseaux to recruit new members

1:21 Motion to adjourn meeting by Lossene Dorleh, second by Andrew Hunt.