We are all starting to find it hard to stay on task in classes, and we are all tired of winter.  Now is the time to get moving and go for walks and enjoy the fresh air and warm sunshine.  Maybe that might be running outside or walking on the bike path with some friends up to Mantle Lake Park.  It’s a nice relief knowing that the semester is coming to an end, and we did it!!  What an accomplishment to make it through this whole year with all the restrictions in place.  We did it and you should be proud of yourselves!

     If you are looking to get outside and go hiking, don’t forget that Aroostook State Park, Nordic Heritage Center and Big Rock Mountain are great places for hiking and mountain biking.  If the weather is really nice, don’t forget that Gentile Hall has kayak and canoe rentals if you are interested in going with some friends down the Aroostook River.  Getting outside for some physical activity is very important for us to stay healthy physically–but also mentally–as we start preparing ourselves for final exams.

     I know some of us are ready to lose the COVID weight that we may have gained during this pandemic.  Now is the time to start thinking about eating more fruits and vegetables.  A healthy tip to weight loss is to start eating your greens.  You can put green grapes, kiwi, green pears, green apples and some honeydew into a bowl.  For vegetables you can cut up some cucumbers, green peppers, broccoli, pea pods and some cooked green beans.  Place the veggies on a plate and add your favorite dipping sauces, such as ranch dressing or hummus, for a nutritious lunch or snack.