We are getting ready for spring here at Gentile Hall with the Sportsman show on March 22-24.  Come stop by and see canoes, kayaks, bikes, ATVs, fishing supplies, hunting supplies, a real fish pond and much more!

Warmer weather is right around the corner, so if you are going somewhere sunny over spring break, now is the time to start getting into shape with my fitness classes.  Students, all my fitness classes are free!!  Fit Camp is on MWF from 5-5:45 p.m., Circuit Training is on Tuesdays from 12-12:45 p.m. and Fusion Training is on Mondays and Thursdays from 12-12:45 p.m.  For more information about my fitness classes or personal training, you can email me at keli.marston@maine.edu

March skiing is the best time to get out and enjoy the snow!!  There are ski trails at Nordic Heritage Center and Aroostook State Park for skiing and snowshoeing.  Don’t forget about Quoggy Jo near Fort Fairfield and Big Rock in Mars Hill if you enjoy downhill skiing. Stop by our front desk for more information on our ski and snowshoe rentals at Gentile Hall.

Students, if you are interested in intramural water polo, sign up will start April 1 through April 5.  The season will run from April 8 until April 25.  This is something new and should be fun to try.  For more information about intramurals, you can contact Jonathon Bowman at Jonathon.bowman@maine.edu

I challenge you to “Eat your Greens” for St. Patrick’s Day.  St. Patrick’s Day is on March 17. This is a great way to get your kids to eat fruits and vegetables! I usually start with green apples and slice them on a plate.  I put a fresh green grapes in a bowl.  Then I will peel and slice kiwi, which is always a favorite.  If the green pears are fresh and soft, I will buy some and slice those on a plate as well.  For vegetables, I always do broccoli, which I steam first and then cook in the oven with some olive oil, salt, pepper and sharp cheese.  Cucumber slices, celery sticks and green peppers with ranch dressing are always a hit.  You could even do a spinach salad with almonds, walnuts and cranberries.  It’s all delicious and you will feel good making healthy choices.  Enjoy eating your greens!