Ever since you step foot in kindergarten, you dream about what your last year of school is going to be like. You dream of something you won’t forget, something memorable. It’s hard to say that this year wasn’t memorable, but it wasn’t in a way you would expect. 

The Trojan represents Mount Desert Island High School’s mascot. The Trojan has a mask on, showing the great efforts that the high school is putting into following the COVID-19 guidelines.

     COVID is preventing high school seniors from having a typical senior year. This is due to the rules and limitations from social distancing, unusual schedules and isolation. Even though schools have spent a lot of time making sure students have a school year, it hasn’t been the same. And some of the seniors feel forgotten. Finn Seyffer, a senior at  Mount Desert Island High School, said how most of the students feel. “At this point, the isolation sucks and we just need a fraction of normality at the end.”  

     The seniors thought that since students can be in a classroom and in the halls with masks on, they could go to a dance, too. So the seniors at MDIHS are working together to plan an event to commemorate their last year. They plan to follow COVID rules for this event.