Picture From Yunan Province, Kingdom of the Cloud

     April 11 was University Day at UMPI.  It is a celebration for UMPI students. There are many students who like to do presentations to introduce themselves or their clubs.

     Four students from China–Huiting Yang, Tong Liu, Yuhe Tian and Shucan Wang—gave a presentation to introduce a Chinese province named Yun Nan. “Yunnan” means “South of Clouds.”  It sounds beautiful and it really is. Yunnan, located in southwest China, has a vast territory, magnificent mountains and rivers and abundant natural resources. With an area of 390,000 square kilometers, Yunnan is the eighth largest province in China.

     And Yun Nan enjoys the fame of being “the Kingdom of Animals,” “the Kingdom of Wildlife.” Many ancient animals have survived here, such as Ailurus fulgens styani and antelope. Meanwhile, there are lots of animals under national protection, such as wild elephants, wild bulls, gibbons and so on. Because of the geographical location, it boasts the largest number of plants in China, accounting for over 60 percent of China’s total. It is rightfully called “the Kingdom of Plants.”

     Huiting Yang talked about why she wanted to be part of the presentation.  She said, “ Because I grew up in this province, and this province is pretty beautiful.  It is the kingdom of animals and plants. I want more and more people to know this beautiful place.”  How did Huiting think she did?  She said, “Not good enough.  I think I should do better. Because Yun Nan is a very important place for me, I wanted to do this presentation perfectly.”

     Despite Huiting’s humility, the students were able to share a great deal with the audience members.  They all left knowing much more about the Kingdom of the Animals.